Melbourne Meeting – July 2016
Monday 18th July
“Scaling, styles and the cloud” – Tony Bryer from GreenTram Software
“Vector/Matrix operation on CAD API’s” – Brian Watson from Desktop EDA
“Exploring the Men’s Shed” – Our New Venue… Continue reading ›
Melbourne Meeting – December 2014
Monday 15th December at 6 for 6:15pm start
Moving DUnit to FireMonkey – Roger Connell from Innova Solutions… Continue reading ›
Melbourne Meeting – November 2014
Monday 17th November at 6 for 6:15pm start
Damien Bootsma from Embarcadero showed us VCL styles… Continue reading ›
Changing the Color of a FireMonkey Edit box
The new FireMonkey components have extensive design time functionality through the style engine so the presentation of components can be easily varied by the style editor. Some of the style parameters are also included in the object properties such as Font and FontFill (the new way to change the font color) but if the object code does not expose the parameter you need how do you change the style information dynamically at runtime?… Continue reading ›