Brisbane Meeting – December 2019
Wednesday December 11th at 5:30pm to 9pm.
The Brisbane meeting is on at the usual* time and place. See you there 🙂
For the last meeting of the year, we have a double treat for you:
– Andrew will have a short “Apple Business to Business (sandboxed appstore stuff)” how-to presentation
– Eivind will give an introduction on how to use Delphi to develop Linux applications, without requiring a VM or separate machine with Linux installed.… Continue reading ›
Sydney Meeting – September 2008
September 2008
Living like the Greek Gods? – Mathias Burbach
In recent times I have started to experiment with Linux Ubunutu & Wine in order to run Delphi Win32 applications under Linux. We will have a quick look at Ubuntu, install Wine and run a simple Delphi app built from scratch.… Continue reading ›