Melbourne Meeting – November 2020
Monday 16 November.
We met online, instead of meeting at the Shed.
Vincent Parrett from VSoft Technologies and FinalBuilder showed us the Delphi package manager that he’s been working on, with its command line interface and IDE integration.
Notes from his presentation :
DPM is still very much at an alpha stage, it’s buggy, missing features etc.… Continue reading ›
Perth Meeting – January 2018
Tuesday 15th January. 6pm for 6:15pm start
- Introduction to SQL for Delphi developers – Branch Manager
- GPS – Frank Reynolds
- Business object changes – Peter Thönell
Perth Meeting – October 2018
Tuesday 16th October 2018 at 6 for 6:15pm start.
* Clayton Johnson – MS Word documents as report templates
* Peter Thönell – Design Pattern – A practical application of design patterns
* Rod Grasso – Rod’s commercial software for processing metal sheets
Melbourne Meeting – October 2018
Monday 15th October.
The theme of this meeting was Delphi IDE extensions.
We had several short presentations:
Geoffrey Smith on Project Magician
John McDonald on Documentation Insight
Peter Magor on GExperts
Tony Bryer on MMX Code Explorer
…… Continue reading ›
Melbourne Meeting – March 2018
Monday 19th March.
Brian Watson, Geoffrey Smith and Andrea Coffey shared some tips and tricks with Delphi and the IDE…… Continue reading ›
Perth Meetings – 2013
Delphi XE5 launch – Damien Bootsma
Embarcadeo Delphi XE5 launch event focused on Android and iOS support
Delphi IDE features – Lachlan Gemmel
A look at a huge number of IDE features. Many of them are not well known and a few hidden features.… Continue reading ›
Extend search to form files
Recently I worked on a project with many forms and database components, where I had to change the references in the components itself.
The problem I had was to find and edit all the components which had a special keyword / reference in it!… Continue reading ›