Brisbane Meeting – March 2017
Wednesday March 1st at 5:30pm to 9pm.
Scott Hollows will be doing a remote presentation to the Brisbane ADUG chapter.
TOPIC – Displaying and Animating 2D controls in 3D
Spin and zoom buttons, images and other controls in 3D with just a few lines of code using Scott’s utility units
All attendees will get full source code
I’ll also show you how to build the Starr Wars opening crawl including angled and animated text
Watch the one minute preview here:
Scott will also put on his ADUG president hat and answer any questions that you have about ADUG… Continue reading ›
Three Dimensional FireMonkey Component Design
FireMonkey provides access to three dimensional object creation and manipulation. While it is fun to build complex objects by connecting together the supplied primitives (Rectangle, Cone, Sphere, etc.) this could get very tedious so I want to explore creating more complex objects directly in code.… Continue reading ›
Creating 3D scenes dynamically in FireMonkey
In my last post I created a wind turbine (or propeller if you like 🙂 ). When I demonstrated this wind turbine at a recent ADUG meeting here in Melbourne, Brian Watson asked whether it was possible to create objects in code and add them to a scene at run time. … Continue reading ›
A code-free wind turbine in Firemonkey 3D
How would you go about building a wind turbine in Firemonkey 3D with revolving blades? You can stop reading right now if you want and go away and think about this; possibly even fire up XE2 and try building something; but do come back!… Continue reading ›