ADUG Symposium 2023 was a great success. Keep visiting for details of the 2024 event.

It’s on again in person – the annual ADUG symposium.
Join us on April 28th to hone those skills, catch up with old friends, make some new friends, and continue working on your Zoom tan.
Our Melbourne venue at Chelsea Heights will be host to our two local speakers. And this year we offer an Early Bird special for those who are joining us at the venue.
This page, and our forum, will be updated as more details are finalised in the next week or so.
When and where
Option 1: Live – Chelsea
ADUG members in Melbourne, or who are visiting at the time, are welcome to come along to the Chelsea Heights Hotel and participate with other members.
Option 2: Online
We have scaled back to the one live event and will have a streamed version for those who can’t avail themselves for Melbourne’s glorious weather.
Who and what

Geoffrey Smith - Practical Applications of AI and ChatGPT: Exploring the Cutting Edge of AI
In this packed presentation, Geoffrey will dive into the practical applications of ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like responses to text input. Geoffrey will also explore some of the other latest developments in artificial intelligence that are generally available.
To demonstrate the power of ChatGPT, we’ll show you how to use that would be useful for a programmer and a bit of fun. We’ll walk through some code examples in Delphi. Throughout the presentation, we’ll also discuss some of the ethical and social implications of AI, including issues around bias, privacy, and transparency.
By the end of this presentation, you’ll have a better understanding of the practical applications of ChatGPT and AI, as well as some practical skills (and source code) that you can apply to your own projects and tasks. You’ll also have a better sense of the challenges and opportunities presented by this cutting-edge technology and how far science fiction is now from reality.

Jason Tolley - Object Pascal and Web Assembly (WASM)
WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.
It has nothing to do with java or Java Script, but everything to do with browser based and cross platform applications. Importantly there is a standard and good web browser support from vendors.
In this presentation Jason will discuss what it is, what it’s not and why we should be interested in it.
I will also discuss how we can leverage our VCL and Object Pascal knowledge in creating WASM targets in Free Pascal and discuss the implications for Delphi.
Of course there will demonstrations, examples and source code.

Jon Aasenden - JavaScript the Delphi Way
Quartex Pascal (short: QTX) is an object pascal IDE, compiler, run-time library, and development system. You write code in your favorite Object Pascal, and QTX generates high-performance JavaScript – allowing developers to tap into web technology and enjoy the full might of modern mobile, desktop, and server development. Join Jon Aasenden for this look at QTX 1.0.

David Millington - ToolsAPI Plugin for the IDE
Many people know the IDE has an API for writing addons and changing behaviour, and some use tools like GExperts or CnPack (or David’s own Bookmarks and Navigator.) But you might not know just how easy it is.
In this talk, David will show the basics of a ToolsAPI plugin, concepts that apply in all areas of the IDE, and show them in practice, plus a very cool new API that will be or was (depending when you read this) added in RAD Studio 11.3.
(not so) Small Prize Draw
Attendees who are also ADUG members will be entered into the end-of-day prize draw of Delphi related software. In past years some attendees have walked away with thousands of dollars of free software, and most with hundreds of dollars of prizes.
Schedule - Revised Morning Time Sessions
9:00am | Registration |
9:10am | Introduction and Welcome |
9:15am | Presentation 1 – Geoffrey Smith – ChatGPT |
10:30am | Break |
11:00am | Presentation 2 – Jason Tolley – Object Pascal and Web Assembly (WASM) |
12:15 | Lunch |
1:15pm | Presentation 3 –Jon Aasenden – JavaScript the Delphi Way |
2:30pm | Break |
2:45pm | Presentation 4 –David Millington – ToolsAPI Plugin for the IDE |
4:00pm | ADUG & YOU |
4:30pm | Prize Draw |
6:00pm | Local chapter get together (if possible) |
The decision to have symposium in only one location this year has allowed us to drop the prices for the live event.
- Live: Early bird (before 31st March): $65
- Live: Late registration: $85
- Online: $35
(Price includes one year membership)
- Live: Early bird (before 31st March): $105
- Live: Late registration: $125
- Online: $75
Register now before you forget. Early bird discount for the Melbourne venue – save $20.
Dates are limited, so lock it in now.
Symposium Prizes
Symposium Prizes
ADUG wishes to acknowledge these friends of the ADUG for supporting us with donations of valuable products.
The prize draw is the final event of the day, held immediately after the last presentation, and operates like so:
procedure ADUGPrizePicker; begin PopulateListOfAllPrizes; while PrizesAvailable do begin if AttendeeListEmpty then PopulateListOfAllAttendees; RandomlyPickAWinnerFromAttendees; AskWinnerToSelectPrizeFromAvailablePrizes; while WaitingForPrizeSelection do begin if WinnerTakingTooLong then StirWinner; end; if WinnerTookFarTooLong then AllocateRandomPrize; NoteSelectedPrize; RemoveSelectedPrizeFromAvailablePrizes; RemoveWinnerFromAttendees; end; end;
Draw rules:
- Only attendees who are an ADUG member and have registered and paid before the symposium date are eligible for the prize draw.
- The organizers will make their best efforts to conduct the prize draw in an unbiased and fair manner, and inform all winners of their
prize, however no responsibility is taken. - Attendees are encouraged to remain for the duration of the prize draw to ensure their claim on any prizes.
- Attendees un-avoidably unable to remain for the prize draw (e.g. due to flight times) may arrange a proxy:
- Proxies voters must be arranged prior to the commencement of the prize draw.
- A proxy may either be the ADUG President, or another attendee.
- Proxies provided to the President must be in writing and consist of no more than three prize selections.
- Non-president proxies must be disclosed to the President before the prize draw.
- If none of the prizes nominated in the proxy are available a random prize will be selected.
Prizes notes:
- Pricing is approximate and has been adjusted for international exchange rates.
see relevant product website for more details - Prizes are provided at the discretion of the sponsor. There is no formal contracts with sponsors in regards to prizes.
- ADUG will not be liable for any discrepancies between the prize description here and the prize provided by the sponsor.
- ADUG committee members will assist in ensuring that you receive the prize but have no legal authority to enforce prizes.
For the smooth flowing of the prize draw, it is strongly recommended that you have your prize selection ready before the prize
draw – dawdlers will be subject to being RPAB’ed (Random Prize Allocation Button)
Good luck!
Prize description
prize (AUD)
Wireless Communication Library VCL Edition
Wireless Communication Library VCL Edition without source code
Single Developer Licenses.
The Wireless Communication Library includes:
Bluetooth Framework VCL Edition
Timeline Framework VCL Edition
AUD 750
The Package contains:
Adonis Component Suite
Audio Component Suite
Audio Component Suite for FireMonkey
Authentication for Android
Authentication for iOS
Authentication for macOS
Barcode for FireMonkey
Barcode Suite
Barcode Suite for FireMonkey
Biometrics for Android
Bluetooth Library for Android
Bluetooth Library for iOS
Bluetooth Library for macOS
Burn CD/DVD/Blu-ray Component Suite
Burn CD/DVD/Blu-ray Component Suite for FireMonkey
Camera for Android
Camera for FireMonkey
Camera for iOS
Camera for macOS
Communication Protocol Suite
Communication Protocol Suite for .NET
Communication Protocol Suite for FireMonkey
ComPort DLL
ComPort for Android
ComPort for Android FT31xD
ComPort for Android FTDI
ComPort for Android Prolific
ComPort for Android USB
ComPort for Android USB Serial
ComPort for FireMonkey
ComPort for Linux
ComPort for macOS
Crypto for Android
DAO Database Collection
Direct Office
DirectX Joystick
DirectX Joystick for FireMonkey
HID for FireMonkey
Image Acquisition Component Suite
Image Acquisition Component Suite for FireMonkey
Image Acquisition for macOS
JavaImport for Android
JDBC for Android
Joystick for FireMonkey
Linear Algebra
Media Recorder for Android
Media Suite
Media Suite for FireMonkey
Native HID
Native HID for FireMonkey
Native PDF for iOS
Native PDF for macOS
NFC DNA Library for Android
NFC Library for Android
NFC Library for iOS
NFC.NET Library for Android
OBR for FireMonkey
OBR Library
OBR Library for Android
OBR Library for FireMonkey
OBR ML Library for Android
OCR for FireMonkey
OCR RT for FireMonkey
OCR.NET for Android
Office Component Suite
Office XML
PDF Library
PDF Library for Android
PDFium Component Suite
PDFium Component Suite for FireMonkey
PDFium Component Suite for .NET
Printing Library for Android
Printing Library for iOS
SimpleMAPI Component Suite
SVG Canvas
SVG Canvas for FireMonkey
TypeLib Import
USB library for Android
Video Stream
WebView for FireMonkey
Win32 API for Delphi
WinInet Component Suite
WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey
WinRT for FireMonkey
Zip for Android
FastReport VCL Professional Single
FastReport VCL is a library that will
provide your application with a powerful reporting engine. It
will allow you to design a document template, connect it to
almost any data source, and output the prepared document in any
desired format. The Professional edition also includes full
source code for the report generator, which allows you to
thoroughly understand the reporting logic and make any minor
adjustments you may require.
US$ 399
Steema Software
teeChart Standard
TeeChart Pro charting component library offers hundreds of graph styles in 2D and 3D for data visualisation, 56 mathematical, statistical and financial functions for you to choose from together with an unlimited number of axes and 30 Palette components.
USD 99
Steema Software
Fully-featured VCL grid component
Fast and easy-to-use VCL grid, with data sorting, grouping and filtering
TeeGrid component is written from scratch in 2016 (not derived from TCustomGrid or TGrid) to take advantage of all that’s fast in Delphi!
The grid allows you easily and fast manage information, connect to data sources and display data. Featureset includes locked columns, searching, filtering, sorting and grouping data, master-detail view, draggable selections, grid scrolling.
USD 89
VCL components for viewing, printing, converting documents, and exporting reports from FastReport, ReportBuilder, QuickReport, Rave Reports, and ACE Reporter reporting tools.
Supported viewing/printing/conversion formats include PDF, DOCX, BMP, PNG, JPEG, WMF, EMF, and (single-page and multi-page) TIFF.
Report Export output formats include PDF, PDF/A, XLSX, RTF, HTML, XHTML, TXT, SVG, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, GIF, and BMP. PDF/A support includes compliance with PDF/A 1b, 2b, and 3b versions. PDF/A-3b support complies with ZUGFeRD electronic invoicing standard.
FMX components for viewing documents. Supported formats include PDF, DOCX, BMP, PNG, JPEG, WMF, EMF, and (single-page) TIFF.
USD 450
SMExport suite 4.99 is a set of component that export data from TDataSet or TDBGrid or any other VCL control (such as TStringGrid, TListView and so on) into such formats as Paradox (if using the BDE) and DBase tables or into a text file (fixed or comma-delimited), HTML, XML, MS Excel, MS Word, PDF, MS Access, SQL-script, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro, SYLK, DIF, LDAP DIF and other formats
EUR 50
SMImport suite 2.92 is a set of components that can import data into TDataSet (any descendant) from a variety of different file formats
EUR 50
SMMsg suite allow to read/parse the files created by MS Outlook and any other mailer program.
You may read the message with all mail information (subject, body, recipients, attachments etc), contact, note, task, appointment, journal, post item
If you have not the installed MS Outlook, you may recover this information from your msg-file and copy/save in another format.
For example, extract all attachments from mail and save with original file.
This application don’t use any external libraries and you may load the .msg-contents from any stream (file, blob field, memory etc)
You may parse the next file formats:
- .msg – MS Outlook messages
- .eml – mails (MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express, TheBat, Eudora
- tnef (winmail.dat) – MS Outlook message (encoded)
SMMsg is a native VCL engine with multilanguage support.
EUR 50
Paradox Viewer
This tool allow to read/open the Paradox tables on any computer.
An application don’t use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on computer without any additional setup/install.
You may see the full Paradox system information (file version, header size etc), table structure and data in grid.
All field types supported (including MEMO, BLOB, graphic, rtf-formatted memo etc)
When Paradox table loaded, you may save the data to different file formats (CSV, Text, HTML, XML, MS Excel, MS Access, SPSS, SQL, dbf, JSON etc) or copy to clipboard.
Additionally you may generate SQL-script with data dump.
To convert the password-protected table you must enter the valid password in prompt dialog.
All features are available via command-line arguments so you could automate any your tasks.
Multilingual support allows to translate the interface to any language
EUR 20
This tool allow to read/open the dat-tables on any computer.
An application don’t use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on computer without any additional setup/install.
You may see the full DBISAM system information (file version, header size etc), table structure and data in grid.
All field types supported (including MEMO, BLOB, graphic, rtf-formatted memo etc)
When DBISAM table loaded, you may save the data to different file formats (CSV, Text, HTML, XML, MS Excel, MS Access, SPSS, SQL, dbf, JSON etc) or copy to clipboard.
Additionally you may generate SQL-script with data dump.
For password-protected table you may see the valid decrypted password in tab with general information.
All features are available via command-line arguments so you could automate any your tasks.
Multilingual support allows to translate the interface to any language
EUR 20
Advantage Viewer
This tool allow to read/open the adt-tables on any computer.
An application don’t use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on computer without any additional setup/install.
You may see the full Advantage system information (file version, header size etc), table structure and data in grid.
All field types supported (including MEMO, BLOB, graphic, rtf-formatted memo etc)
When Advantage table loaded, you may save the data to different file formats (CSV, Text, HTML, XML, MS Excel, MS Access, SPSS, SQL, dbf, JSON etc) or copy to clipboard.
Additionally you may generate SQL-script with data dump.
All features are available via command-line arguments so you could automate any your tasks.
Multilingual support allows to translate the interface to any language
EUR 20
Clarion Viewer
This tool allow to read/open the Clarion (.dat) and TopSpeed (.tps) data files on any computer.
An application don’t use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on computer without any additional setup/install.
You may see the full Clarion system information (file version, header size etc), table structure and data in grid.
All field types supported (including MEMO, BLOB, graphic, array/group, rtf-formatted memo etc)
When Clarion file loaded, you may save the data to different file formats (CSV, Text, HTML, XML, MS Excel, MS Access, SPSS, SQL, dbf, JSON etc) or copy to clipboard. You may convert any Clarion data file into another file format without any programming in a few mouse clicks.
Additionally you may generate SQL-script with data dump.
All features are available via command-line arguments so you could automate any your tasks.
Multilingual support allows to translate the interface to any language
EUR 40
Pascal Analyzer
Pascal Analyzer (PAL), was released in 2001, and is currently in version 9. This program parses Delphi or Borland Pascal source code and produces reports that help you understand your source code better. You will also be able to identify potential errors and anomalies. Your code will be more readable and maintainable. Pascal Analyzer can also check how coding standard guidelines are followed. The static code analysis performed by Pascal Analyzer can help you find bugs early in the development process.
To summarize, Pascal Analyzer can: Give faster time to market for new products Improve application quality and reliability Reduce overall cost of development, support, and maintenance
Pascal Analyzer provides a full collection of useful informative reports to both control and document the source code. Among the reports produced are: Identifiers Report Warnings Report Optimization Report Cross-Reference Report Class Hierarchy Report
There are currently more than 50 different reports to help you improve the quality of your source code. Many reports contain multiple sections with information, and in all there are over 230 report sections. Pascal Analyzer is very easy to use, and does not require any modifications to your code.
USD 169
HelloApp Studio is an application that lets you create innovative
tour guides for your native desktop applications! It is a stand
alone design environment that gives you full control over
customization of the tool-tips for your projects. You can make it as
interactive as you want, by adding extra animations to it. The final
project can be integrated into any type of native applications, by
simply adding a single line of code. Impress, educate and turn your
users into customers!
USD 49
TsiLang Components Suite is a powerful tool for
Embarcadero RAD Studio that provides you with a variety of tools and
methods to expand functionality and potential of your application
from the localization perspective. Your programs can support as many
languages as you need. Full support for FireMonkey applications lets
you create fully multilingual applications for any OS: Windows, Mac
OS, Mobile or Linux.
USD 259
Mitov Software Products Collection
consists of:
SignalLab – Digital Signal Processing Library
VideoLab – Video Processing Library
AudioLab – Audio Processing Library
VisionLab – Computer Vision Library
PlotLab – Data Visualization Library
InstrumentLab – Visual Instrumentation Library
IntelligenceLab – Artificial Intelligence Library
LogicLab – Boolean Logic Library
CommunicationLab – Serial, TCP/IP, and MQTT communication Library
ControlLab – Industrial Automation Library
AnimationLab – Delphi Animation Library
USD 1399
Mitov.Runtime contains:
Advanced RTTI
Containers – Linked List, Array List, Dictionary
Automatic class management
Elements – Tuples, MultiProc, SmartPointer, Delegation
Mixed Persistent Collections
Component development framework
Advanced Design Time API
TCP/IP Sockets
And more…
USD 39
Visuino Professional is used for prototyping and in the production environment, because of its Power and Simplicity and rapid visual development it makes a great solution for any type of environment as well!
Visuino Professional allows users to connect to a wide range of PLCs, I/O systems, networks, and devices, using variety of industry adopted protocols including Modbus, MQTT, REST, CANBus and many others.
Visuino pro allows easy creation of Modbus devices and adding tables and registers to them with minimal effort. The devices can communicate with one or more Serial RTU, Serial Ascii or TCP protocols simultaneously, and for each device you can easily specify individually over which of the protocols the device will be available.
Visuino Pro allows easy access to other Modbus devices, over one or more protocols. Adding queries for Registers, Coils, and Digital I/Os, updating Coils, and Holding registers and adding processing for all this takes merely a few clicks.
Bridging between different TCP and/or Serial (RTU or Ascii) protocols is as simple as adding 2 components and connecting them to each other.
Visuino Pro even allows you to easily create virtual devices remapping Registers, Digital I/Os or Coils from multiple other devices into single virtual device, or splitting a single device into multiple virtual devices.
But Visuino Pro does not end with Modbus. With it you can bridge between Modbus, MQTT, and CANBus networks, or easily add REST API for your Scada solution. All with just a few mouse clicks, and all this is generating a highly optimized code fitting into micro controllers with minimal amount of memory.
With Visuino
USD 299.98
Visuino is a visual programming for Arduino & other Boards
Making Arduino Projects has never been simpler and Fun!
Learn how to build amazing Arduino projects using drag and drop interface without any programming skills!
All you need to do is drag and drop components and Connect them together. Visuino will create the working code for you so you don’t have to waste time on creating the code. It will do all the hard work for you fast and easy! Visuino is perfect for all kind of projects, you can easily build complex projects in no time!
USD 59.99
unSigned, s. r. o.
RAD & Installer is a RAD Studio extension for creating NSIS and Inno Setup installers. It integrates NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) and Inno Setup with Embarcadero RAD Studio IDE 2009-10.4 Sydney and allows you to create and build NSIS and Inno Setup projects right within RAD Studio getting all benefits of common integrated environment!
EUR 49
LMD VCL Complete includes all current LMD Innovative VCL main products including all standalone packs. To review a list of included packages check the feature matrix page.
Actually all features of the following main products are included:
LMD ElPack
NG Complete
More than 750 native components for any kind of task.
Full sourcecode of all controls included
All features of the most current platform release: LMD-Tools, ElPack and LMD IDE-Tools.
Includes free license of NG Complete!
The current license includes access to earlier versions (e.g. 2020 to get support for compilers up to Delphi / C ++ Builder 6). If necessary, contact sales with the required product version. This will then be activated in your customer account.
New in 2022 release: New redesigned RichPack and common PrintPack; new Font/Replica image list controls in LMD-Tools along with dozens of improvements; several improvements for LMD SyntaxEdit; updated DemoCenter and AnyLogger app (e.g. using the new scalable font icons)
New in 2021 release: Full rework of core and common packages (made possible by supporting XE2 or better only); better support of newer VCL features (TVirtualImageList DPI scaling support, 32bit glyph support); new controls like TLMDFontImageList with auto dpi support; Further improved high dpi and multimonitor support (e.g. DockingPack); many fixes and enhancements based on customer feedback; unified installers for NG and LMD products; new democenter and extensive updates for demo projects (e.g. overworked DB demos); extensive update for NG ConnectionPack.
New in 2020 release: Improved high dpi support; Reworked PrintPack; massive update for edit/memo controls in LMD-Tools; LMD SpellPack; Sydney 10.4 support.
New in 2019 release: Improved high dpi support; new IDE Themes support; vastly improved HTML controls in ElPack/LMD-Tools and certainly Rio 10.3 support.
New in 2018 release: We moved our sources to new git-based project structure. All VCL/NG Complete 2018 customers receive free access to the Git repositories (based on GitLab). Visit your customer area and use the displayed link in your 2018 license to connect to GitLab. SSO with credentials for customer area is supported). This new feature replaces the old SVN access option, which was a paid add-on. Check also Quick overview for more info.
New in 2017 release: Improved VCL Styles support in major packages (LMD-Tools, ElPack etc.). Full source code of the AnyLogger client available which allows the creation of customized logging clients.
New in 2016 release: NG Drag&DropPack! VCL Styles support in DockingPack, more LMD-Tools controls etc.
New in 2015 release: NG ConnectionPack!
New in 2014 release: LMD DialogPack, LMD GridPack, LMD InspectorPack and enhanced LMD DockingPack!
Extensive demo projects with sourcecode
1-year subscription period included with each purchase (full version or update)
A Site License covers unlimited number of developers in same organization at one location
Free technical support via public form (, e-mail, fax or mail
EUR 349
NexusDB Standard Edition (DCU)
The NexusDB database engine for Delphi is our award winning flagship product. NexusDB is a royalty-free database system, with features that rival other heavily licensed products. NexusDB introduces unique new features for Delphi developers while further improving on its core strengths stability, performance and flexibility.
NexusDB is an ultra-fast, client/server database engine designed for the Delphi and C++Builder developer. NexusDB is nimble enough to be fully embedded into your desktop applications and powerful enough to be your primary database server.
NexusDB implements the international standard ISO/IEC 9075 – SQL:2003, including most of the Core SQL functionality as well as many of the additional features defined in the standard. In addition, NexusDB augments SQL:2003 with extensions to expose vendor-specific functionality.
AUD 540
TRichView is a suite of native Delphi/C++Builder VCL/FireMonkey and Lazarus (Free Pascal) LCL components for displaying, editing and printing complex rich text documents.
TRichView can be used to develop advanced text editors, web/help/book authoring applications, chats and messengers, organizers and diaries, multimedia encyclopedias, and other applications that need a high-quality rich text editor or a hypertext user interface.
Supported FireMonkey platforms: Windows, 64-bit macOS, Android, Linux
Supported Lazarus platforms: Windows
The components support various character attributes (fonts, subscripts/superscripts, colored text background, custom drawn). Documents can contain tables, pictures, images from imagelists, footnotes and endnotes, any Delphi controls. Left, right, center or justify paragraph allignment, custom margins and indents, multilevel bullets and numbering, background images, print preview, data-aware versions and more…
Using TRichView rich text control, you can create an RTF and DocX editor which is able to export documents in HTML and Markdown formats.
TRichView is completely written in Delphi, it does not require external DLL or ActiveX files. It is not based on Microsoft RichEdit control. A registered version of the Package includes full source code.
Windows, 64-bit macOS, Android, Linux
RVMedia is a set of Delphi (VCL and FireMonkey) and Lazarus (LCL) components having the following functions: receiving video from different sources: local web cameras, IP cameras, network video streams, computer desktop, local and remote video files; configuring IP cameras and controlling their rotation; reading sound from a microphone or a video file/stream; sending and receiving video and audio data via the Internet; recording audio and video files; organizing video chats and video conferences (either as directly connected applications or using a client-server model).
RVMedia can use GStreamer and FFmpeg libraries to show video streams in advanced formats, such as H.264. Note: RVMedia does not include neither a source code nor an object code of these libraries. Copyright to GStreamer and FFmpeg belongs to the respective owners. RVMedia uses them under GNU LGPL license v2.1.
Delphi and C++Builder (VCL and FireMonkey) versions of RVMedia support only Windows platform. More platforms will be added in future.
A Free Pascal (Lazarus) version of RVMedia supports the following platforms: Windows Linux