G’day Delphi world,
We’re Australia or “down under” as you like to call us sometimes. We’ve been a bit quiet over the years when it comes to blogging about Delphi but that’s about to change.
This is the blog for members of the Australian Delphi User Group (ADUG). For many, many years we’ve been discussing Delphi in private on our mailing list but now we’d like to discuss Delphi with you as well. The authors of this blog are all ADUG members and very experienced Delphi programmers so you can expect some high quality Delphi content coming your way shortly.
So bookmark us, add us to your RSS reader, look out for us on DelphiFeeds and hide your beer.
The Aussies are coming 😉
Hi, Lachlan!, Hi, Australians … er … Aussies!
So what city in Australia is that picture from?
Templateville just outside of Stock CIty 😉
I’ll see what I can to make your visits to Australia a little more authentic.
There you go. Contributed by one of our members who took it just outside of Broken Hill recently.