Every year since 1999 the Australian Delphi User Group has held it’s Autumn Symposium in two Australian cities. Presenters for the all day event are drawn from the Australian and international Delphi communities to speak on a wide selection of topics of interest to Delphi programmers. As well as a representative from Embarcadero is there to give us a sneak peak at what’s coming in the next Delphi version.
It’s the major event of the Australian Delphi calendar. A day of intensive Delphi learning and a great day of catching up with everyone in the Australian Delphi community.
This year the symposium will be held in Melbourne and Canberra in late March (Autumn in the southern hemisphere). Full details will be announced soon but currently we’re short one presenter for our program.
Having presented at last year’s symposium I can personally vouch for it being a challenging but very rewarding experience.
Here are the requirements for being a presenter for this year’s ADUG Autumn Symposium.
- Presentations can be on anything of interest to Delphi programmers.
- Presentations are 90 minutes long which includes 10 minutes of question time.
- You’ll be required to present in both Melbourne and Canberra on consecutive days.
- Your travel and accomodation expenses will be met by ADUG.
- As ADUG is a non-profit organisation speakers are unfortunately not paid appearance fees.
If you’re still interested let me know in the comments below (which I’ll read but not publish) and make sure you leave a valid email address so I can contact you.
The day is fast approaching though so please indicate your interest as soon as possible (preferably right away).
See you at the symposium 🙂