Wednesday 28th October 2015 at 6 for 6:15pm start.


Wednesday 28th October 2015 at 12pm (finish at 12:30pm)

Important changes

We’re experimenting with holding two meetings, one at lunchtime the other at the usual 6pm. For catering purposes please register your attendance in advance for either the lunchtime meeting or the evening meeting. Registration is free.
Eventbrite - Australian Delphi User Group - Sydney October Lunch Meeting Eventbrite - Australian Delphi User Group - Sydney October Meeting

Connecting sensors to your Delphi application via a Raspberry Pi – Paul Jervois

Evening meeting only

There are a range of sensors that don’t easily lend themselves to be connected to your laptop, tablet or phone application. By using a small single board computer such as the Raspberry Pi as an interface between the sensors and your app can provides a cost effective solution to achieve this and will become more so once the Linux support for XE 10 is released next year.

In the mean time, this is one approach to achieving this for a VCL app and, while we have to delve slightly into the murky world of Linux, most of the development can be done on a Windows machine.

Complementary tools for Delphi developers – Lachlan Gemmell

Lunch and evening meetings

Lachlan will be demonstrating some of the third party tools, components and utilities (both commercial and free) that he uses on a regular basis in his work as a Delphi programmer. Lachlan claims to be something of a pack rat when it comes to developer tools and utilities so there’s bound to be something in his collection that you’ll wonder how you’ve done without it until now.

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