The next Sydney ADUG meeting will be on
Wednesday 24th August 2016 at 6 for 6:15pm start
Important changes
Courtesy of The Continuity Group we’re meeting in the boardroom of the Regus Serviced Office Centre in Ultimo.
It’s a short walk from Central Station or there is on-street parking in nearby Mary-Anne St.
So we can be sure we have enough monitors and keyboards and also for catering purposes please register your attendance in advance. Registration is free.
Ultibo and Raspberry PI jump start – Paul Jervois
Building upon what we learnt at the recent ADUG Winter Symposium, Paul Jervois will help us actually get Ultibo loaded on our laptops and Raspberry PIs and deploying our first applications to this exciting new platform. If you have one bring along your Raspberry PI and preferably a laptop as well for the development environment.
For those who don’t know Ultibo is a Pascal based development tool for the Raspberry PI. You compile your application using the Lazarus FreePascal IDE and then deploy it to the Raspberry PI.