Wednesday 26th August 2015 at 6 for 6:15pm start.
BeaconFence – Malcolm Groves
This month Malcolm Groves (head of Embarcadero for Asia Pacific) is going to be giving us a hands on demonstration of the new BeaconFence technology now available for Delphi.
BeaconFence is all about tracking people (or other objects) as they move around outdoor or indoor locations using inexpensive Bluetooth LE beacons rather than GPS.
This is going to be a practical demonstration with Malcolm setting up some beacons so we can all trudge around the room and do some real world experimentation. For a technology as physical as this, it’s probably going to be our best opportunity to really appreciate what it’s all about and to start being inspired with ways in which we can put it to good use.
We’ll probably stream the meeting via GotoMeeting as per usual but due to the real world demonstrations this is one you really should attend in person. And of course afterwards we’ll be doing our usual real world beer drinking demonstrations at the pub.