September 2011
Delphi XE2 Explorer Tour – Delphi Community
DataSnap can be used to build multi-tier applications with Delphi and has changed in Delphi 2009 to no longer relies on DCOM. Since end of August 2011 we have been able to explore the new Delphi XE2 version. In the September meeting three members of our community want to share with you their excitement regarding some of the new features in Delphi XE2. Lachlan Gemmell will start by showing us how tu use the DataSnap Mobile Connectors to call a Delphi application from an Android smartphone. Colin Johnsun, a long time user of Apple & OS X, will show how to develop and deploy a FireMonkey application on a Mac. Finally Mathias Burbach will delve into some of the new Live Binding features of Delphi XE2. Each presentation will be around 20-30 min including the discussion.