January 2005
Member Built App: A Business Process Management System – Glenn Stephens
During the last few years, Glenn has been designing & building a Business Process Management (BPM) system in his spare time which consisted of nights, weekends etc. This BPM system was designed to allow people to perform the most common operational tasks, such as moving domain specific data in a natural way by integrating databases, workflow, middleware, enterprise systems etc, so that managers and process change engineers can define automated processes as well as monitoring KPIs.
Glenn will demonstrate the techniques used to create a professional client/server application with high levels of usability, such as the what GOF and POEAA patterns he used, how to setup a complex serialization model that supports file persistance, the clipboard and databases and an overview on how he found developing his first major .NET application.
A faster, stronger Delphi 2005 – Lachlan Gemmell
A look at the new Delphi 2005 IDE, going beyond the surface and exploring some of the many different customisation options available, some documented and others not. In particular a way to dramatically shorten the load times of Delphi 2005 (also Delphi 6-8 as well) will be shown as well as some fixes and tips to keep the IDE running smoothly.
The Delphi Settings Manager is available for download from here.
You will find more information in Lachlan’s blog entries under “A lean mean Delphi machine”