April 2005
ECO2: Enhanced capabilities for Model Driven Development – Damien Bootsma
For this presentation Damien will briefly outline what Borland offered in ECO1 and how this compares to the increased funcionality in ECO2. He will then go through an example of these new capabilities in Delphi 2005. Some of the features that he will be discussing are:
Synchronisation of multiple ECO Spaces
Web development with ECO
Transaction support with ECO
The source code of this presentation can be downloaded from here.
The Singleton Design Pattern – Anthony Egerton
The Singleton design pattern is defined as: “Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.” I will be discussing various Delphi implementations of the Singleton design pattern and the trade-offs associated with them.
So come along to find out everything you wanted to know about Singletons but were too afraid to ask.
The source code of this presentation can be downloaded from here.