Tuesday 21th March 2017 at 6pm, first presentation 6:15pm
WHERE Artifactory 8/16 Guthrie St, Osborne Park WA 6017
FOOD $1.50 pizza slice. $1.50 drinks
Main Presentation
Farshad Mohajeri from FMSoft will present on uniGUI for developing web applications with Delphi
http://www.unigui.com and http://www.fmsoft.net
uniGUI lets you build web applications using the Delphi IDE and Delphi language.
Developing a uniGUI application is similar to developing a VCL or FireMonkey application.
You develop in Delphi and uniGUI webify’s it on the fly by generating HTML, Javascript, XML etc
Farshad will demonstrate the software and answer questions about the architecture and technical challenges that went into creating the software.
Using uniGUI, your web application could look as good as this …