Perth Delphi Meeting

The Perth ADUG folk are meeting on Tuesday 22 March

Where Artifactory  8/16 Guthrie St, Osborne Park WA 6017
When 6pm start

* Peter Thönell on Object Oriented design patterns, PtEvents and PtSettings from FOSS library and more.  Peter has some simple demos that will help with understanding these topics
* John Walker has some interesting ideas to move his disability software project forward and we will take a closer look at one of the interesting parts.
* Scott Hollows has a few backup topics if we run out of Peter and John

Marcos pizza courtesy of Embarcadero
Files from the February meeting
email me at  if you attended and want the files

Turbo Pascal
There is interest in this topic, but no presenters available so far.
We will discuss this at the meeting.
We might break this down into a few bite size pieces with multiple presenters