This Tuesday 15th August 2017 at 6pm, first presentation 6:15pm
Artifactory 8/16 Guthrie St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Food – $1.50 pizza slice. $1.50 drinks
Four topics and loads of pizza at Artifactory – where the best mad scientists hang out
Kevin Dean – Delphi In Education
Kevin is teaching Delphi to school children in Perth, Australia using the free Starter edition.
Approximately 30 children have been learning Delphi since the start of the year. This is one of a range of subjects covered at the Christian Home Schooling Support Group (CHSSG), which is run one day per week in Wattle Grove, Perth.
The children have shown commitment and enthusiasm, particularly as all subjects are optional so they get to choose what they focus on. During the year they have been exposed to theory including the principals of programming, learnt about Delphi syntax, forms and components and put this into practice to develop a number of programs.
This term they are learning about graphics programming and branching out into their own projects. Other technology related subjects have also been run this year including robotics using Arduinos (programming in C) and electronics covering theory and practical, with soldering and kit building. A number of the children are enrolled in all three subjects.