December: Meet Andrew Munro. Andrew, the new head of Borland Australia, gave us an update on Borland Oz.
Automated Unit Testing. Peter Hinrichsen gave a brief introductory presentation on the value of DUnit. Tim Knipe gave a rundown on his use of DUnit and other tools and techniques to test his Shell Control Pack version 2. DUnit is open source. It is downloadable from
November: Steve Hayes: Extreme Programming Explained. Steve described “Extreme Programming”, “Programming in Pairs” and explained Kent Beck’s book.
Robbert Wiegmink: Encountering UML. Robbert continued his UML series.
October: Peter Hinrichsen: How a Visitor Changed my Life. Peter led us through another GOF pattern. Click here for Peter’s doco.
Robbert Wiegmink: Encountering Use Cases. Robbert described another aspect of UML – Use Cases. These are especially useful if you are describing the external/requirements aspects of a system.
September: The Annual General Meeting was followed by
Paul Klink: Techniques for managing software complexity
Paul described some techniques for managing complexity based on those found in Engineering Real Time Systems by Rolv Braek and Oystein Haugen.
Robbert Wiegmink: Encountering UML. Robbert continued his UML series.
August: Andy Bulka: Python and Delphi. Continued from last month.
Grahame Grieve: How to get the most out of Exceptions. Continued from last month.
Robbert Wiegmink: The Class Diagram
July: Andy Bulka: Python and Delphi. Andy described the Python language and how it can be embedded in Delphi applications using the Python for Delphi components.
Grahame Grieve and Matt Vincent: How Exceptions Work. Matt described the working of exceptions at a code and CPU level.
Grahame illustrated how to get the most out of them by example.
June: Peter Hinrichsen: How the Adaptor Pattern Changed My Life.
Peter continued where he left off from last month.
Don Macrae: How the Iterator Pattern Changed My Life. And possibly the Template pattern was also discussed.
May: Peter Hinrichsen: How the Adaptor Pattern Changed My Life. Adaptor is a GOF pattern. GOF as in Gang of Four, meaning ‘Design Patterns: Elements of ReUsable Object Oriented Software’ by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides ( the GOF ).
Tony Rietwyk: Developing a Programming Style. Tony presented some ideas based on his experience with various languages, including Delphi of course. Issues included module and subroutine size, variable naming and ( gasp ) code layout.
April: This month we were given a thought provoking look at C++ Builder by ADUG member Jarrod Hollingworth – editor of the recent published “C++ Builder 5 Developers Guide”. The latter part of the evening was a well thought out expose from Paul Spain of a generic technique to multicast component events, such that several event handlers can be associated with a given event.
– Jarrod’s PPT slides and notes are here.
– Paul’s PPT slides and source code are here.
March: This month we were treated to a very stimulating expose of TField by Graham Pitson, followed by the dramatic conclusion to Mark Brooks’ “Introduction to Threads” presentation.
– Mark’s sample source code can be found here.
– Watch this space for further info on Graham’s talk.
February: Following the success of last month’s “mini symposium” format we applied the same formula again this month with the following first class presentations:
– “Frames” by Don Macrae
– “DHTML Exposed” by Sarah Maguire
– “Introduction to Threads” by Mark Brooks
January: This meeting was a mini symposium featuring excellent presentations by various ADUG members:
– “Understanding HTTP” by Matthew Vincent
– “PChars and Pascal strings” by Paul Spain
– “Decorator Pattern – how not to use” by Graham Grieve