December: Presentation on “A Visual Component Builder” by Steve Moller. See Steve’s preview summary and presentation for more information. Glenn Lawrence also presented his new “scaler panel” component and explained how it worked.
November: Demo of IntraBuilder by Randall Sell of Borland Australia. See Glenn’s notes on this meeting.
October: Presentation on drawing to the TPrinter canvas by Don Macrae. See Don’s paper on this topic. Glenn Lawrence also presented a short demo of Michael Kochiashvili’s TRunLabel component.
September: Presentation of Per Larsen’s MemMonD and Memory Sleuth by Mark Weston of Real Solutions.
August: Demo by David Szkylnik of Jan Strube’s DBScroll component.
July: Presentation on “Using text files with Delphi” by Glenn Lawrence see Glenn’s paper on this topic.
Prehistory: ADUG has been meeting regularly since 1994, but notes of early meetings are no longer available.