Monday 19th September.
The Annual General Meeting of the “Australian Delphi User Group Inc. No A0038181F” (aka ADUG) was held on Monday 19 September 2016 at the Melbourne Men’s Shed.
The reports of the Committee were considered and accepted.
A new Committee was elected:
- President: Scott Hollows (WA)
- Vice-President: Ian Krigsman (VIC)
- National Secretary: Geoffrey Smith (VIC)
- Treasurer: Frank Malcolm
- Ordinary members of the Committee:
- Adam Webb (SA)
- Aneal Chandra (ACT)
- Alister Christie (NZ)
- Shane van de Vorstenbosch (NSW)
- Eivind Bakkestuen (QLD)
The AGM was followed by the Melbourne Meeting:
Building on the Symposium and Objects Everywhere – Lachlan Gemmell
Since the Symposium, Lachlan Gemmell has been doing some experimentation with what he learnt on the day and reported back what he’s found as well as demonstrating some more general techniques related to object oriented programming.
Some of the topics covered included:
- A report back from the Ultibo hands on meeting we had in Sydney last month
- Using TMS Aurelius objects (as seen at the Symposium) in a multi-tier architecture (as not seen at the Symposium) and binding them to UI controls
- Avoiding the LiveBindings spaghetti by creating them at runtime
- Adding lightweight properties to components without the need to compile a component package