Monday 15th September at 6 for 6:15pm start.
The Annual General Meeting of the “Australian Delphi User Group Inc. No.A0038181F”
Location: Royal Society Hall, 8 La Trobe Street, Melbourne.
New Office Holders are
President – Lachlan Gemmell (NSW)
Vice-President – Scott Hollows (WA)
Treasurer – Mathias Burbach (NSW)
National Secretary – Andrea Coffey (VIC)
Regular Committee
Eivind Bakkestuen (QLD)
Sue King (ACT)
Ian Krigsman (VIC)
Geoffrey Smith (VIC)
Adam Webb (SA)
What’s in my tool chest – Lachlan Gemmell (The Continuity Group)
Lachlan discussed a selection of his collection of tools, components and utilities (both commercial and free) that he uses on a regular basis in his work as a Delphi programmer. He is something of a pack rat when it comes to these sorts of things so there’s bound to be something in his collection that you’ll wonder how you’ve done without it.