Monday 18th November.

At this meeting, Robert Horbury-Smith showed us how to use a Mormot server with a Delphi and an Elevate WebBuilder front-end.

His presentation centered on building and consuming a mORMot HTTPServer using a Service Oriented Architecture. He is impressed by the speed, scaleability and security of mORMot. Less impressed by the documentation – there is a lot of it, but it does not give a very clear overview of the framework.

He showed two samples:

  1. A mORMot SOA Server used by a VCL Client, with the client converting JSON results into InMemory ClientDatasets.
  2. A mORMot SOA Server with an Elevate Web Builder client.

The Elevate WebBuilder seems quite simple for a Delphi programmer to use.

As part of the presentation, Graeme Keast gave an overview of his JSON to Client Dataset DWS solution.

We also took a quick look at mORMot’s Security and two factor authentication mechanism.

A zip file containing Robert’s notes and sample code can be downloaded from here.

mORMot documentation can be found at

Or mORMot documentation can be downloaded as a large pdf from here

We started with a short “Public Soap Box” where we briefly discussed problems retrieving LockBox through GetIt, and the ability of Firebird to scale.

The meeting was held at the Melbourne Men’s Shed, situated in the Federation Square Car Park building, off Russell St Extension.