Monday 20th November.
Glen Kleidon presented on encryption. The presentation included:
- Generating Certificates for testing.
- General encryption topics including how RSA public/private keys actually work, using some basic mathematics.
- How to create SSL Clients connecting to a NodeJS backend, using Indy 9 on Delphi 7 and Indy 10 on Berlin.
- tricks you need to know to get it to work.
- certificate validation.
- How to create SSL and HTTPS servers using Indy.
- client side vs server side certificates.
- Some discussion on creating Digests (Hashing) for Signing.
Glen discussed some of the different algorithms used in encryption, and a bit about the contents of a certificate.
He showed us how to create a certificate, and explained that the only difference between certificates created by a certificate authority and a certificate you create yourself is that the certificate authorities may be trusted more to establish the identity of the owner of the certificate.
He showed us how to establish encrypted communication between a NodeJS server and a Delphi client using Indy components.
The meeting was held at the Melbourne Men’s Shed, situated in the Federation Square Car Park building, off Russell St Extension.