Monday 15 February.
We met online, instead of meeting at the Shed.
At this meeting, Roger Plant discussed REST and gave us details of creating a REST Client in Delphi.
Roger started with a brief description of REST and Web Services and discussed why JSON.
He discussed REST Clients in Delphi, using Indy and TRestClient, then JSON Processing Libraries, TJSonObject and SuperObject.
He demonstrated a simple unauthenticated REST Client, then gave a brief outline of Authentication/Authorization using OAuth. We looked at one of the OAuth Flows on the OAuth Playground.
We then looked at a simple GMail OAuth/REST sending program demo.
There was some discussion of Server Side, some alternate REST Service Providers, and Swagger.
A recording of Roger’s presentation is available at:
Roger’s slides may be downloaded here: Roger-Plant-RestInDelphi.pptx
The source of his demo project may be downloaded here:
You will need ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll to run the demo project.
There are notes on downloading and installing these dlls at
Geoffrey Smith mentioned his open source demo at – which shows how to authenticate with OAUTH2 and send an email message for gmail.
We started the meeting with a brief “Public Soap Box” where we talk about code, technology and the meaning of life..