Monday 17th February.

At this meeting, Richard King introduced us to Lazarus and FreePascal.

If you’re interested in a cross-platform alternative to Delphi, or you are concerned about Embarcadero’s redefinition of perpetual, you should take a look at FreePascal.

Richard’s presentation covered:
– which builds to install,
– IDE differences (he’s impressed with the Lazarus IDE),
– generics,
– VCL vs LCL,
– third party components,
– difficulties with COM if you want to interface with Word.
This gave us a good introduction to Lazarus / FreePascal.

He showed us a program he had built in Lazarus and how he could build the program with Lazarus on Windows and run it on Linux.

Richard’s notes can be downloaded from here.

We started with a short “Public Soap Box” where we briefly discussed problems retrieving LockBox through GetIt, and the ability of Firebird to scale.

The meeting was held at the Melbourne Men’s Shed, situated in the Federation Square Car Park building, off Russell St Extension.