Melbourne ADUG August meeting will be via an online Zoom session only due to the ongoing restrictions.
Roger Connell will touch on Android Sensors, Navigation, Delphi Records, Mobile App limitations and even Help and Manual Web Pages.
The Zoom connection will open around 6:00pm and the meeting will start with a general Q and A at 6:15pm.
Monday 16 August at 6 for 6:15pm start.
Melbourne ADUG will meet in August as an online Zoom session.
The Zoom link details will be distributed via the Meetings Category at
Android Sensors
Roger Connell from Innova Solutions
Roger has been learning about Delphi’s access to Mobile Devices (Android) and the sensor data available from those devices. While the initial program aims were not achieved he learnt some useful lessons and developed some Delphi Libraries he thinks are worth sharing. The discussion will include
- The restrictions of the mobile UI,
- Android permissions,
- Navigation calculation,
- Accessing data on the phone,
- Delivering WEB based help and software to the phone and
- Presenting data graphically.
- Software for Old Phones
Public Soap Box
We start with a brief “Public Soap Box” where attendees can ask questions, share discoveries or talk about code.
The online connection will open around 6:00pm and the meeting will start at 6:15pm.