Monday 16th April.
Robert Horbury-Smith introduced us to mORMot.
The Mormot (usually written as mORMot to emphasize the Object Relational Model aspect of the product) presentation will provide a brief overview of the mORMot open-source library, which has over 2400 pages of documentation.
We looked at some of the more interesting samples – particularly some that may be of interest to VCL developers, and we examined how a fairly simple ORM based server using a database can be used to host “client” interfaces over REST and HTTP for both browser based (a la JavaScript) and VCL Front Ends from an n-Tier “Server” application using JSON.
We then looked at how to implement client side table queries and One to Many joins using a Delphi based ORM Client (the same techniques are applicable to web browser based clients).
mORMot is a highly scalable, light footprint solution that deserves much more attention than it gets. With the continued drift away from desktop centric applications, this library is worth a good look.
Robert’s examples, with his notes and a ReadMe.txt explaining how to install the examples, can be downloaded from this zip file.
He has since created another example client that can be used with a Server from the previous example. This can be downloaded from here: MormotClientDatasetExample.
The meeting was held at the Melbourne Men’s Shed, situated in the Federation Square Car Park building, off Russell St Extension.