Wednesday 24th September from 5:45pm
An Introduction to Arduino – Paul Jervois
Seeing its all the rage at the moment, its Sydney’s turn to do the Arduino. A short presentaion on the Arduino, how to write, compile download programs, write libraries, connect peripherals like LCD Displays etc and discuss various means of interfacing them to your Delphi programs.
Confessions of a developer tool junkie – Lachlan Gemmell
Lachlan be going through selections of his collection of tools, components and utilities (both commercial and free) that he uses on a regular basis in my work as a Delphi programmer. He is something of a pack rat when it comes to these sorts of things so there’s bound to be something in his collection that you’ll wonder how you’ve done without it.
Please RSVP to anealchandra at hotmail dot com before 4pm on the day for catering purposes.