Thursday November 6th at 5:30pm to 9pm.

The following activities will occur:
– For my photography collection, I have in mind to create a small utility for moving pictures and movies into a user-defined structure. At the meeting, the project idea will be presented and input sought to define functionality, and implementation started.
– A Delphi user who’s new to Android programming has asked if there will be others with Android experience present at the meeting. If you have such experience, please drop by. 🙂
– Doorprize! Potential attendees, please note:
Arena Business Technology Pty Ltd, suppliers of hardware and software to Australian developers, are proud to donate this month’s door prize – which is a USB Powerbank – for the Brisbane ADUG monthly meeting.
Please RSVP to me ( before 2pm on the meeting day if you want to attend, to help us with catering.
Please note: Embarcadero drinks and food will be provided from Subway;
please indicate any preference you might have for “subs”.