Wednesday December 11th at 5:30pm to 9pm.

The Brisbane meeting is on at the usual* time and place. See you there 🙂

For the last meeting of the year, we have a double treat for you:

– Andrew will have a short “Apple Business to Business (sandboxed appstore stuff)” how-to presentation

– Eivind will give an introduction on how to use Delphi to develop Linux applications, without requiring a VM or separate machine with Linux installed.

Pizza and drinks will be available at cost; keep change handy ($2/piece, $0.50/glass).

Details about the venue etc are here.

The venue and time is the same as before; Indooroopilly library, community
meeting room, 5.30pm (food), 6pm (meeting start proper) to 9pm.

* In 2019, all meetings are scheduled on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

NOTE! The Indooroopilly library closes its doors at 6pm. After 6pm, entry is only possible via the door from the parking lot behind the library. You will see a couple of book return chutes just to the left of the door. Bang on the door if locked. If you have trouble finding us, call the meeting organizer on 0401 923 119.