Two of ADUG’s own, Mathias Burbach and Colin Johnsun, will be speaking at the Australian Developer Day to be held in Sydney on October 22nd. Alongside Mathias’s talk on unit testing and Colin’s talk on distributed version control there will be talks from local Embarcadero heavyweights Malcolm Groves and Damien Bootsma as well as international Embarcadero speaker David Intersimone.
This is a new approach to launch events by Embarcadero Australia and I’d encourage you to get behind it and come along. An all day technical conference covering a range of varied topics is much more interesting than a 2 hour what’s new sales demo. Plus the cost for this all day event is only $10 which is being donated to charity.
I’m not sure exactly who’s speaking on which topic (apart from Mathias and Colin) but here’s the list of topics
- Distributed Version Control
- Integrating 3rd Party Applications
- Unit Testing
- Consuming RESTful Services
- Mobile Development
- Internet of Things Development
- Taking your Applications to Windows 10
The ADUG Sydney folks will be there in force also so come along and say hi!
Sounds like a great day, I’ll have to see if I can make it from NZ.