The Australian Delphi User Group Inc (ADUG) is Australia’s premier user group representing the interests of:

80% of ADUG’s web site users are Australian residents and 20% are from New Zealand, S.E. Asia, America and Europe.

Approximately 30% of visitors are contract programmers, 30% are full time employees, 20% are enthusiasts and 20% are managers of Delphi developers or proprietors of a software house.

ADUG offers its members:

ADUG Delphi Jobs List

The list is a service to Delphi developers, recruitment agencies and employers of Delphi people. It is a fee-based service which allows Delphi roles to be advertised to the ADUG membership and to non-members who have registered with the service. As at April 2011 there were 858 email addresses registered with ADUG Jobs.

ADUG Delphi Work Wanted List

The list is the reverse service where programmers with Delphi skills can announce their availability for new work. We encourage Delphi developers, recruitment agencies and other employers of Delphi people who might find such emails useful to join this list. Advertising through the ADUG Work Wanted list is a relatively new service which we are currently offering for free until the size of the list becomes viable.

There is no charge to subscribe to either of the above lists.

Placing a Job Advertisement

We charge $60 to place a single ad which is emailed directly to each subscriber to the Delphi Jobs list. The ad can contain hyperlinks to your web site for more information, but must otherwise be in plain text.

This is a highly targeted form of advertising and has proven to be one of the most successful ways of recruiting Delphi people in Australia.

You can place an advertisement online on the Submit a Job Ad page. The list email will generally be sent within 24 hours of payment. See the tips below on subject line and ad wording.

We suggest you also consider entering your contact details on the work wanted mailing list.

Placing a Work Wanted Advertisement

Your request for work is emailed directly to each subscriber to Delphi Work Wanted list. The ad will typically include a summary of your skills and capabilities and can contain hyperlinks to your web site for more information, but must otherwise be in plain text.

You can place an advertisement online on the Submit a Work Wanted Ad page. This normally attracts a nominal fee but is currently free. The list email will generally be sent within 24 hours.

Suggestions for the Best Response

Subject Line

Example of a good subject:

Delphi contract, Melbourne CBD, XE6 and Oracle

Example of a poor subject line:

Sensational role with growing international company

Main Text

The advertising copy will ideally contain 100-200 words with information about the position, location and technology description.

Example likely to get a good response:

Gain experience in Delphi XE6 writing distributed systems using REST with large corporate based in Sydney CBD

More information

ADUG guarantees to forward the advertisement to registered users of the Jobs list within one business day of accepting the advertisement copy.

ADUG makes no warranties regarding the number of responses the advertisements generate, however our experience has been that most ads will receive a good cross section of candidates and the majority of roles advertised with ADUG have been filled by one of the ADUG respondents.

For more information, contact the list moderator by email to DelphiJobs Co-ordinator