Sydney Meeting – October 2015

Wednesday 28th October 2015 at 6 for 6:15pm start

Paul Jervois will use a Windows Delphi application to talk to hardware sensors via a Rasbperry Pi.
Lachlan Gemmell will demonstrate a range of commercial and free useful tools for Delphi developers.… Continue reading ›

Sydney Meeting – May 2015

Thursday 28th May 2015 at 6 for 6:15pm start.

Paul Jervois will present on Drawing text without using the VCL or Windows API.

Lachlan Gemmell will present on Keeping past versions of an algorithm available.

Colin Johnsun will present on Programming with Pipelines.… Continue reading ›

Sydney Meeting – April 2015

Meeting Cancelled

Due to the wild weather Embarcadero have requested that we cancel tonight’s meeting. Our apologies and see you next month.

Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 6 for 6:15pm start.

This month’s Sydney meeting will be an informal “show and tell” style meeting.… Continue reading ›