Melbourne Meeting – January 2021

Monday 18 January.

We met online, instead of meeting at the Shed.

At this meeting, John McDonald shared his experiences of converting a couple of Delphi program to Lazarus / Free Pascal, and we discussed the issues encountered.… Continue reading ›

Melbourne Meeting – December 2020

Monday 21 December.

We met online, instead of meeting at the Shed.

Geoffrey Smith shared his experiences of designing and building small hardware devices.

Geoffrey demonstrated the process of making a surface mount PCB, including designing the circuit (nothing too advanced), designing the PCB and getting the design manufactured.… Continue reading ›

Melbourne Meeting – August 2020

Monday 17 August.

We met online, instead of meeting at the Shed.

We heard from a few members about their experiences with 10.4,

Glen Kleidon from Galkam and Arpy gave a presentation on styles,

John McDonald showed his Epidemic simulation program, and gave an short introduction to TChart.… Continue reading ›