Last day for Melbourne Early Bird Registration for the ADUG 2024 Symposium is this Sunday, 7th April!
Why bother leaving the comfort of your own office to come out to the venue? LOTS of reasons.
- Catch up with old friends and make new ones in a relaxed venue by the bay, The Bridge Mordialloc. Enjoy a social work-related day.
VCL and FireMonkey without losing your mind 20th February 2023
Did you miss DevConIT? Maybe you don’t speak Italian?
Join us on Monday, 20th February to hear Andrea Raimondi present his DevConIT talk in English at our ADUG National Meeting.
… Continue reading ›Is it even possible to share any UI code across the two frameworks?
Integration Testing with DUnit and DUnitX 7th December 2022
You may have used unit testing tools such as DUnit and DUnitX to implement unit testing. In this presentation, Mathias Burbach will cover integration testing with DUnit & DUnitX for all layers of your application:
- Data
- Business
- Workflow, and even
- User Interface
Come and find out how to use your favourite piece of technology in the way most applicable for your projects.… Continue reading ›
Melbourne Meeting 21st November 2022
Malcolm Groves on Debugging with the IDE Tonight at the National/Melbourne ADUG Meeting 15th August 2022
Melbourne Meeting 15th November 2021
Our meeting starts with the ADUG AGM. This will include the President’s report, the Treasurer’s report and voting for the next committee.
After this we will have some short presentations.
This is an online meeting using Zoom. Connection details will be posted just before the meeting.… Continue reading ›
Melbourne ADUG October Meeting 18/10/21
Virtual Tree View
The Melbourne ADUG October was held online via Zoom.
John McDonald kindly offered to present on Virtual Tree View. Showing us some of the features and abilities of this component, including the grid view and tree view, and how to sort these views.… Continue reading ›