The Annual General Meeting of the
“Australian Delphi User Group Inc. No A0038181F”
(aka ADUG) will be held at 6:15 pm AEST on Monday 17 September 2018
at the Melbourne Men’s Shed
Adjacent to the Level 1 Car Park, Federation Square
Corner Flinders and Russell Streets, Melbourne
The ordinary business of the annual general meeting shall be:
(a) to confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since that meeting;
(b) to receive and consider –
(i) the annual report of the Committee on the activities of the Association during the preceding financial year; and
(ii) the financial statements of the Association for the preceding financial year submitted by the Committee in accordance with Part 7 of the Act;
(c) to elect the members of the Committee;
Current financial members of ADUG are eligible to vote and nominate for the Committee which comprises the officers of the Association:
National Secretary
and up to five Ordinary Committee Members.
Nominations of candidates for election to positions on the committee must be made in writing, specifying the position for which the candidate is nominated, signed by two members of the Association and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (which may be endorsed on the form of nomination).
An eligible member of the Association may nominate themselves; or, with the member’s consent, be nominated by another member.
Nominations must be delivered to the National Secretary of the Association not less than 7 days before the date fixed for the holding of the Annual General Meeting, by email
If there is only one nomination for a position by the cut-off date that nominee will be deemed elected without a ballot. Any positions without nominations by the cut-off date will be open to nominations at the AGM.
A nomination form may be downloaded here:
If you wish to vote, but won’t be present at the AGM, you may submit a proxy as described in rule 34 of the ADUG rules.
Proxies need to be with the secretary by 5 pm on the day before the AGM. They may be lodged by email to or as hard copy.
Candidates are also welcome to advise the ADUG membership of their nomination and provide a brief statement of purpose to the ADUG members list
The Nominations received are as follows:
- Geoffrey Smith – President (VIC)
- Frank Malcom – Treasurer (NSW)
- Scott Hollows – Ordinary Committee Member (WA)
- Eivind Bakkestuen – Ordinary Committee Member (QLD)
- Adam Webb – Ordinary Committee Member (SA)
- Steve Corbett – Ordinary Committee Member (ACT)
The following positions are still available
- Vice-President
- National Secretary
- 1 Ordinary Committee Member
I encourage any member who would like to make a contribution to the group, to nominate for the Committee. It is due to those who have contributed, that ADUG is in its present state of good health.
The Rules of the ADUG are available on the web site:
Documents for the AGM
Geoffrey Smith
National Secretary
The AGM will be followed by a normal Melbourne meeting: