AGM 2023

It's annual, it's general, and it's meety!

Monday 20th November, 2022,   6:15 PM


The AGM will be before the Melbourne meeting. This is a hybrid meeting. Members can come to the Melbourne venue or connect via Zoom. The link for the meeting will be posted in the forum and sent via email shortly before the meeting.

Committee nominations

ADUG is a totally volunteer run organisation, and like most organisations, we have the core roles. The ADUG committee is made up of:

  • the president
  • the vice-president
  • the secretary
  • the treasurer
  • up to 5 ordinary committee members

Nominations of candidates for election to positions on the committee must be made in writing, specifying the position for which the candidate is nominated, signed by two members of the Association and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (which may be endorsed on the form of nomination).

An eligible member of the Association may nominate themselves; or, with the member’s consent, be nominated by another member.

Nominations must be delivered to the Secretary of the Association not less than 7 days before the date fixed for the holding of the Annual General Meeting, by email


If there are more nominations than positions then a vote will be taken at the AGM.

To nominate or be nominated, you need to be a currently financial member of ADUG.

Proxy voting
If you wish to vote, but won’t be present at the AGM, you may submit a proxy as described in rule 34 of the ADUG rules. Proxies need to be with the secretary by 5 pm on the day before the AGM. They may be lodged by email to or as hard copy.


  • President report
  • Treasurer report
  • Committee election

If there are more nominations than positions then a vote will be taken at the AGM.